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Our Massage Therapists
& Management Team

Jayk Speth

Jayk Speth

Co-Owner / Head Massage Therapist

Proud co-owner and head massage therapist at Apex.

Patricio Huaiquimilla

Patricio Huaiquimilla

Licensed Massage Therapist

Kind-hearted LMT who also speaks Spanish fluently.

Jake Ritter

Jake Ritter

Co-Owner / Head of Operations

Dedicated Co-Owner of Apex who keeps the lights on and running.

Why are we the Best Massage Company in the State?
Our Team.

Our massage therapists at Snow Leopardo Wellness are skilled professionals, each bringing a unique blend of traditional and modern techniques to their practice. They hold a deep understanding of physiology and biomechanics, and they use this knowledge to provide personalized treatments that address your individual needs. Whether you're an athlete aiming to enhance performance, or someone seeking relief from daily stressors, our therapists are dedicated to promoting your physical and mental well-being. Their commitment to education and open communication empowers clients to take proactive steps towards maintaining health and wellness. At Snow Leopardo Wellness, our therapists are more than just experts - they're your partners on your journey towards holistic well-being.

Our Philosophy:
Recovery-Based Massage

Unleashing the Power of Healing:

The Snow Leopardo Wellness Philosophy


At Snow Leopardo Wellness, we're more than a massage spa - we're a sanctuary where healing and transformation happen. We draw our inspiration from the mesmerizing Snow Leopard, an embodiment of strength, agility, and adaptability, and weave these elements into our sports massage philosophy. Just as the Snow Leopard thrives in the harshest environments, we believe that every individual, regardless of their physical demands or lifestyle, has the innate capacity for resilience and self-healing.


Our mission is rooted in the firm belief that sports massage is not just an occasional luxury, but a vital element of an active, balanced lifestyle. Just as each Snow Leopard is unique, we understand that every body is distinct, with its own set of physical demands and stressors. Our adept therapists, with their comprehensive knowledge of physiology and biomechanics, delve into these unique needs to provide personalized, high-quality massages.

Drawing from a vast array of both modern and traditional techniques, our therapists tailor their treatments to alleviate muscle tension, promote flexibility, boost blood circulation, and foster swift recovery. We're acutely aware that high-impact activities, like winter sports and strenuous workouts, can impose significant stress on the body. Hence, our sports massages are meticulously curated to counter these specific issues, offering our clients a profound sense of relief and rejuvenation.


But our philosophy extends beyond just physical healing. Inspired by the serene aura of the Snow Leopard, we believe in the profound connection between physical and mental well-being. Our tranquil therapeutic spaces mirror the calm, peace-filled expanses of snow-cloaked mountains, fostering a sense of deep relaxation and harmony. We encourage our clients to harness these moments of stillness, listening attentively to their bodies and cultivating a heightened sense of self-awareness.


At Snow Leopardo Wellness, we understand that knowledge is power. We don't just offer treatments; we educate our clients, equipping them with the understanding and tools necessary to maintain their well-being. Our therapists readily share self-care techniques, exercises, and lifestyle adjustments that clients can integrate into their daily routines. This fosters a synergistic wellness partnership where we align our expertise with our clients' personal goals.


With us, it's not just about recovery; it's about thriving. It's about pushing boundaries and reaching new peaks of wellness, much like the Snow Leopard gracefully conquering the icy Himalayan terrains. Our sports massage philosophy echoes this commitment. As you embark on your journey with Snow Leopardo Wellness, you're not just booking a massage session - you're joining a community devoted to holistic well-being and exceptional care.

Your journey to health, strength, and vitality begins here. Join us at Snow Leopardo Wellness and experience the transformative power of our healing touch. Together, let's explore new peaks of wellness and unleash your inner Snow Leopard. We can't wait to partner with you on this journey!

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